Thank you for reporting. Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. If this is an EMERGENCY, immediately call 911 and/or contact Campus Security at 507-344-7888. Contacting police does not require you to pursue legal action.
This form is intended for use by students, employees, faculty, vendors, visitors or other concerned parties to informally or anonymously report specific information related to incident(s) of sexual misconduct, dating/relationship violence and/or stalking. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, harassment, assault, and exploitation of a sexual nature.
This is a secure reporting form. Submissions are accessible only by Bethany Lutheran College's Title IX Coordinator, Ted Manthe. He may also be contacted at; however, email is not necessarily a secure method of communication and should not be used for reporting incidents.
Submissions using this form are not continually monitored and will typically be reviewed on the next business day.
The information you provide on this form will be used to address the complaint, which can include an investigation and contacting the complainant, respondent and/or any potential witnesses. If the report does not contain specific information, the college's ability to respond and investigate will be limited.
Some information about your computer or device is collected every time you visit any page on the internet. We regularly discard this information, and we do not attempt to identify users based on their submissions to this form except as may be required by law or court order. Please note that remaining anonymous may limit the college's ability to address the matter and assist you.
If you wish to remain anonymous, follow these guidelines:
If you are a victim/survivor, you may choose whether to identify yourself in this section; however, remaining anonymous may limit the college's ability to address the matter and assist you.
If you are a third party complainant who is not the victim, record your information below and record the victim's name and contact information in the "Individuals Involved" section.